A Truly Positive Geek Community

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image source=”featured_image” img_size=”large” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” el_class=”img-responsive” link=”http://www.reddit.com/r/geektogeekcast”][vc_column_text]Y’all surely know about the Geek to Geek podcast network by now. If you don’t, let me introduce you. I think you’ll make great friends.

Which is a great segue to what I wanted to talk to you about today! (See what I did there?)

When we started the Geek to Geek Podcast earlier this year, we started the show we wanted to listen to. Instead of having two dudes giggling about in-jokes, dropping dozens of f-bombs, and complaining for 3 hours about stuff they supposedly love, Void and I wanted a clean, family-friendly podcast that invited people into a positive conversation about things we are passionate about.

As the podcast took off (which has surprised both of us, by the way–you guys are awesome!), we realized that our listeners were phenomenal people. We’ve gotten to know you. And we want to keep up that conversation and become more than just people who Tweet back and forth.

We wanna be friends. D’awwwwww…

So…we started exploring ways to do just that–be your friends. And based on lots of feedback, we went with a subreddit, r/geektogeekcast. We think that this will be great because what we really want is a safe, welcoming, positive geek community. (If you’re not familiar with Reddit, it’s basically a huge message board, and a subreddit is an individual forum built around a single group or topic.)

I’m posting about it here because you’re a huge part of the reason behind this group. Long before the Geek to Geek podcast, you fitgeeks kept me and each other motivated. You shared your stories. You became my friends. You kept me running and eating well, and we pushed each other along. I can’t count the emails and messages I’ve received from you folks, and I cherish each one of them.

In that vein, I want you to know that the Geek to Geek community we’re building is really because of Geek Fitness as well. As Geek to Geek has expanded into its own network of connected shows, and because the Health Hacks podcast has been received so well (thank you, by the way!), we wanted to make a singular place for all of us to gather and have fun and get to know each other.

The most important part of geekdom is the people. We want to talk about stuff we love, make friends, and most importantly, make sure that everyone feels appreciated and that there’s a place for them. So whether your love is video games, comic books, movies, TV, fitness, running, nutrition, board games, cycling, weight loss…whatever…come geek out with us.

Let’s be friends.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]




I also have a Substack that you would enjoy!





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You can also hear more of Beej on the Dragon Quest FM podcast every Friday morning!

He also has some really awesome sci-fi and fantasy novels that you should totally buy.


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