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Press play above or subscribe to the Geek Fitness Health Hacks podcast to hear this episode.
This week was pretty good for me overall. I made a lot of progress on a lot of fronts, from gaming to fitness to finishing out some freelance contracts.
Forward momentum feels good, you know?
This episode’s topics include:
- Woohoo for weight loss!
- The Science of Social Media and Codenewbie podcasts
- Persona 4 Golden on PS Vita is neato. (head to gameflyoffer.com/geekfitness to try it out yourself!)
- I’m bouncing off a lot of books lately, so I need your recommendations!
Additionally, I have been meditating more and doing yoga to keep myself calmer. I met with my counselor earlier this week, and we decided to get back to at least a monthly schedule because I’ve been a little down lately. I think it’s just the winter blues, but it never hurts to keep a check on things before they spiral out of hand.
What about you, fitgeeks?
What is going on in your lives this week that you want to share?
Use #FitGeekFriday or throw a comment down below and let the world know what’s up!
As always, feel free to reach out to me at @professorbeej or @geekfitnesscast.Â