The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is so good it made me fat

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is so good it made me fat

Well, folks, I wasn’t around last week to podcast. That was partially because I was playing the new Legend of Zelda game. Breath of the Wild is just so good that I couldn’t stop playing it. Between work and Zelda, my time was pretty much taken completely up. And I honestly didn’t exercise as much as I should have last week.

I think I went to the gym once, got on the recumbent bike as I read Breath of the Wild articles, and then went back home to play more Zelda.

Then I went out of town on Friday, and when I came back home…it was time for more Zelda.

But now I’m back and I can love you all again! Awwww. (Who am I kidding? I never stopped loving y’all. Or playing Zelda, apparently.)

Yoga Err Day. Err. Day.

I have been thinking about how good yoga makes me feel, and I am going to use it as a way to get myself back to being active. Starting to run has given me a lot of false starts to the point where I don’t know if I am going to focus on it at all for a while. I am going to do lower-impact exercise–cycling, bodyweight training, lifting, and yoga.

And for April, I am going to be doing #yogaeverdamnday. Not only is that one of my favorite hashtags, it’s a super way to exercise and practice mindfulness at the same time. I am not going to be committing to it hardcore until April 1, but I am getting myself in the habit right now.

When I get there, I think y’all should do it, too. I’ll be podcasting and posting about it a bit, too.

So get yourself ready.


I’ve mentioned this before, but Jennifer got me a FitDeck of bodyweight exercises for Christmas. It’s awesome, and the perfect way to get a few extra calories burned between shrines in Breath of the Wild. I’m really hankering for the yoga deck to supplement it, too. (There are other yoga cards I was told about, too!)


Once I finish up Breath of the Wild, I am definitely in the mood for more Zelda. I really want to give Skyward Sword a try, even though the controls are supposed to be just atrocious (but somehow it was given a lot of 9/10 and 10/10 reviews when it was new), as well as A Link Between Worlds for the 3DS. I’ve never touched either of them, but Breath of the Wild makes me want to explore Hyrule so much that I want to make it through other games.

I’ll probably use Gamefly to do it, and if you wanna support the blog and the podcast, you can grab a free 30-day trial and let Zelda make you fat. We can be twinsies!

Until next time, stay shiny, fitgeek!

And as always, feel free to reach out to me at @professorbeej or @geekfitnesscast.




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You can also hear more of Beej on the Dragon Quest FM podcast every Friday morning!

He also has some really awesome sci-fi and fantasy novels that you should totally buy.


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