Yesterday, this was me.
At 7am, it was 90% humidity and 85 degrees. Fun stuff. I still logged a good 4 miles of running and another 1.5 of walking, which is a pretty good start to the half-marathon training. It also put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.
After I recovered from the evil, solid-air death caused by summer running, that is.
Today’s going to be a light day: tennis with my wife in the evening and a few miles of slow walking on the treadmill as I edit a manuscript for a friend. Nothing that should make me too sore.
Because tomorrow…I do it again. Another 4 miles in the humidity.
Because of my asthma, I probably should be running on the treadmill to avoid the humidity, but I’m trying to push myself through it. I’m trying to get myself trained to run in hotter, more humid weather so that I can really rock some races with my super-strength lungs once it starts to cool down in the fall.
Until then, though…I’m going to agree with Jake up there.
Couldn’t run lately due to rain, will probably start running again tomorrow. Humidity isn’t good for Asthma. But 85° Fahrenheit, that’s 30 degrees Celsius. Um. I really would NOT run in that weather. Do some gymnastics and make your muscles hurt instead of this! 🙂
For here, that’s actually a pretty normal summer day. It’s not going to get any cooler than that until maybe September. If I were to avoid it entirely (which I did last summer), it would mean being on the treadmill for the next few months, and as much as I’ve liked being outside, I can’t do that to myself.
The humidity is tough on the asthma, but a lot that I’ve read (and my experience last fall) is that if you push through and take care, you can strengthen your lungs enough that it won’t be an issue. One article I read specifically talked about slower summer training to I crease efficiency and V02max for fall races. Apparently, humidity affects runners like altitude does.