After the miserable weeks I’ve had lately, I finally feel pretty good. Yesterday was the first day I didn’t feel like Frodo did after Weathertop.
Actually, I felt rather pleasant. I worked my first full day, and it was nice being back at work. I was pretty exhausted when I got back home, but that’s to be expected when recovering.
Since yesterday left me so fantastically energetic, I’m going to try to use today as a chance to get back to running. I am not going to push myself, and I don’t think I’ll be able to get even close to a 5K in–honestly, I don’t think I’ll be able to run a solid mile after that Mordor-inspired sickness.
But now, like Aragorn, I’m ready to return to my rightful place…on the treadmill. Not because I have to–because I don’t. I’ve been sick, so I’m allowed to take some recovery time without feeling bad about it.
I’m returning to activity because I want to. I miss it. I really miss it. I miss running. I miss being active. I miss moving around and getting that crazy endorphin high.
Who would’ve guessed I would ever become that guy?
I’ll let you know how it goes.
Yesterday, I needed the luck. Was able to go about 1.5 miles in just at 20 minutes. Slow going, but I went. It was recovery cardio, so there’s that.
Today, I intend to hit the treadmill after work since I have an early afternoon. Hopefully, it will go a little better.
I’m glad you feel better. This has been a crappy week for me health-wise. Been eating better though.
Eating better always makes me feel well. I’ve been trying to lately, and I wonder if that hasn’t helped me recover some.