The most important part of geekdom is the people. We want to talk about stuff we love, make friends, and most importantly, make sure that everyone feels appreciated.
General Geekery
Watching Over You in the Overwatch Open Beta
I've been playing a ton of the Overwatch beta this week. I'd played a couple of the previous beta weekends, and even though I don't like first-person shooter games, this one has really grabbed my attention. That's probably because I can play a support character (i.e....
The Geek to Geek Podcast with Beej and Void
The first episode of the Geek to Geek Podcast went live today, and we’re talking about the subjective value of video games and media.
“Like the Wind” Magazine and Art Print Giveaway
Graciously, Like the Wind has provided me with a copy of their 4th issue and an art print of the gorgeous cover for me to give away to one of my readers.
Like My Fiction? Got A Buck? Become a Patron!
B.J. launched a new Patreon campaign for fiction, producing monthly stories for as low as $1 per backer!
Putting the Geek Back into Geek Fitness
Summer goals for 2015. Geek Fitness needs a little more geek, don’t you guys think?
Pre-Order My New Book, Legacy!
Legacy, the third book in The Technomage Archive trilogy, is now available for pre-order. It releases July 1!
Hearthstoned Out of My Mind
Hearthstone is a Warcraft-themed CCG with everything I’ve been looking for: online, casual, fun, and–most importantly–cheap.
You Know What Sucks? Joystiq, WoW Insider, and Massively Are Closing
AOL is closing Massively, Joystiq, and WoW Insider. We need a new, independent gaming network that’s free of all the corporate BS and internet awfulness.
On Video Game Nostalgia
One of the things I hate more than anything in the world are hypermasculine, manly-man stereotypes. I can't stand them, and I do everything in my power to subvert them whenever possible. So when I got an email about a service called Man Crates, you can understand that...