Geek Fitness is staying on Wordpress! Thanks for your help and feedback!
General Geekery
Feedback Wanted: Moving GeekFitness to Tumblr?
Thinking about a move to Tumblr from Wordpress for GeekFitness.
Help Star Wars Author Dave Farland by Buying His Books
Star Wars EU author Dave Wolverton Farland needs help with medical expenses for his son in a coma. You can help by buying his books.
I’m an Author! (Again!)
After a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2012, BIRTHRIGHT is now finally for sale as an ebook.
Buy My Book! (Please.)
Nimbus, my steampunk novel is finally complete and live on Amazon in four parts.
Have a Geeky and Fit Valentine’s Day!
I did a bit of snooping around the interweb for you, and I found a few cool ideas for a fit and fun V-day!
What Are Your Favorite Rest Day Hobbies?
We all know working out and staying healthy takes a lot of time. A lot of time. So much time that fitness very easily becomes our primary hobby, and everything else we love is kind of forced to just sit on the bench while we press it. (See what I did there?) But...
Happy Birthday! I’m Nerdy-Thirty!
Happy Birthday to me! I'm thirty! Or, as my wife has taken to saying, I'm Nerdy-Thirty. Honestly, I'm freaking out a little bit about hitting the 30-year milestone. Just a bit. And while I may be getting older, I have to keep telling myself that I'm in the best shape...
2 Quick and Easy Fitness Tips for MMO Raid Nights
MMO raiding is stressful. Sitting at a computer, staring at a screen, and wiping to Korfok the Unintelligible for 3-6 hours can be hell on your body. Add in your raid leader and guild officers critiquing your performance, and there goes your mind. Fortunately for you...
Pinterest, Tumblr and Sustainable Weight Loss. Oh my.
I don't quite get Tumblr or Pinterest. I understand Facebook. I get Twitter. But the nuances of Pinterest and Tumblr baffle me. But I'm trying. I set up an account at both sites and started blogging: and...