The whole fitspiration thing kind of gets on my nerves. Or, rather, two specific kinds of fitspiration bother me: the kind that says to be fit, I have to be miserable. And the kind that makes fun of how I choose to exercise. First of all, being fit is about feeling...
Weaning off Phentermine: 6 things I wish I’d known
If you're weaning off phentermine, there are a few things you ought to know. Oh, wait. You want to know why I know how to wean off phentermine? Well, it's because when I first started to lose weight, I didn't do it all by sheer willpower, diet, and exercise. I used...
Confession: I Hate Running
I have a confession to make. Here goes. *cough* Ahem. Deep breath. I hate to run. I'm a runner, and I hate running. I repeat: I hate. To run. There, I said it. I'm a runner, and I hate running. Now, let me qualify what I mean by that. I hate running...for the first...
Crushed It!
So yesterday, I made a boo-boo. I broke my elliptical. #crushedittoomuch I didn't fall off, which is a miracle, but it did cut my workout a bit short--only got 45 minutes instead of 65. That's okay. Things happen and workouts get interrupted. The elliptical got me...
Ugh. It’s 2013. Resolution Time?
First thing's first: New Year's Resolutions are stupid. We make them, don't keep them, and end up feeling bad about ourselves because we failed. It's a negative cycle that tends to stifle progress, rather than aid it. Either our goals are set too high: "I'm going to...
Your Fitness Quest, Part 2: Finding Your Motivation
Now that we've talked about the difference between Fitness and Weight Loss, you're ready to tackle the big issue: What motivates you? Why do you want to lose weight and get fit? For me, motivation was three-sided: I was fat my whole life, and honestly, I was tired of...