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Weight Loss and Running for Geeks and Nerds

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On Video Game Nostalgia

One of the things I hate more than anything in the world are hypermasculine, manly-man stereotypes. I can't stand them, and I do everything in my power to subvert them whenever possible. So when I got an email about a service called Man Crates, you can understand that...

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Don’t Be a Jerk to Newbies at the Gym

There are a lot of reasons that I love running and fitness. I love the way it makes me feel. I love the way it makes me look. I love the things I get to see. And I love the people I get to know. The thing I do not love, however, is the amount of negativity that some...

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Making Bad Choices

Today is a beautiful day--the middle of November and 61 degrees at 5:30am. I woke up, got out of bed, and put on my coffee and oatmeal. This is the routine that I follow on any day that I get up and run. Except that today, I didn't run. I sat on my exercise bike,...

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