Being active has nothing to do with exercise. It’s about moving around when you wouldn’t ordinarily be moving around.
It’s Okay To Take A Break From Fitness
Mental and physical rest days are important to reaching your fitness goals.
What Are You So Afraid Of?
The one thing that destroys any chance at fitness and weight loss success more than anything else is fear.
Why I Run: To Eat
I run because I love to eat. I love tasty things, and the more I run, the more tasty food I can nosh on during the day.
What I Learned From My Very First #RunStreak
When I first started to run, I used a couple of different Couch-to-5K programs. For the most part, they were awesome. Outside of a few quibbles I have about those programs' initial difficulty, I think C25K and its ilk are amazing and fantastic tools to get people...
Running Bucket List: Greece!
You can run on the original Olympic race track. AND the road that the marathon is named after. Sign. Me. Up.
My 3 Current Favorite Geeky Running Songs
Wanna feel like a superhero? Add these songs to your running playlist and geek out.
Don’t Be a Jerk to Newbies at the Gym
There are a lot of reasons that I love running and fitness. I love the way it makes me feel. I love the way it makes me look. I love the things I get to see. And I love the people I get to know. The thing I do not love, however, is the amount of negativity that some...
Why Your New Year’s Resolutions are Bullshit
The way we look at New Year’s Resolutions is flawed. We look at them as temporary changes, and they can’t be. If you want to succeed be specific.
Losing weight won’t solve your problems, but it might help
The best way I can analogize how losing weight made my life better is that I didn’t suddenly get a whole new version number, but it got a much needed point-release patch.