Since I can’t run, I’ve found a true love of experimenting with kettlebells, cycling, and yoga.
Forget High School: Being an Athlete Doesn’t Mean You’re a Jock
Geeks and jocks don’t have to be polar opposites. They’re not mutually exclusive. People can be more than one thing. Nerds can be athletes and vice versa.
3 More Habits of Insanely Fit People
Crazy fit people have some really simply habits anyone can learn! Here are 3 anyone can do!
Training with #TeamNewSkin
Over the past month, I’ve hit a pretty good stride with my running and pushed past a few barriers–both mental and physical–thanks to New-Skin.
Unless You’re Grumpy Cat, Stop Being So Negative, Okay?
Negativity is ruining your weight loss. Unless you’re Grumpy Cat. Then it’s adorable.
Gym Fitness for Nerds and Geeks: Beginner Workout Plan
Find more success in the gym by treating fitness like an old-fashioned MMO raid–boss fights included!
How Do You Find Running Playlists?
I use to find playlists to match my running pace.
What Are Your Favorite Rest Day Hobbies?
We all know working out and staying healthy takes a lot of time. A lot of time. So much time that fitness very easily becomes our primary hobby, and everything else we love is kind of forced to just sit on the bench while we press it. (See what I did there?) But...
How to Exercise When You’re Sick
Remember that it’s okay to miss a workout or a run because you’re sick.
Fitness Memes Kind of Bug Me
The whole fitspiration thing kind of gets on my nerves. Or, rather, two specific kinds of fitspiration bother me: the kind that says to be fit, I have to be miserable. And the kind that makes fun of how I choose to exercise. First of all, being fit is about feeling...