Mom was in the hospital. I was overcome by anxiety. Another hereditary health concern? I ran. That night, quite literally, I was running for my life.
Podcast and Audiobook Recommendations for Runners
There are generally two kinds of runners. There are the runners who listen to music and the runners who don't. One camp claims the music helps them keep pace and stay focused, while the other says that they can focus inward and keep pace by what their body is telling...
Getting My Groove Back
I missed last year’s UCP Half-Marathon in Florence, Alabama. I won’t this year.
Is Virtual Reality the Future of Fitness?
The future of fitness is in augmented and virtual reality. Run across a glacier, bike on a volcano–visit exotic locales and get your heart-rate up, without ever leaving air conditioned awesomeness of your own living room.
Staying Active While on Vacation
Going on vacation doesn’t mean you have to gain weight and be lazy. You can still have a relaxing trip while staying fit and active. Here are a few of my favorite ways to go about it.
GIF Review of Three Generations of Asics Nimbus Running Shoes
I’ve run in three consecutive generations of Asics Nimbus running shoes. Here is my handy-dandy GIF review
Experimenting for Health and Happiness
Since I can’t run, I’ve found a true love of experimenting with kettlebells, cycling, and yoga.
Jedi Fitness Icon: Yoda
Jedi are in crazy shape, but how do they get that way? I say Yoda does a lot of yoga, gymnastics, and/or CrossFit.
Forget High School: Being an Athlete Doesn’t Mean You’re a Jock
Geeks and jocks don’t have to be polar opposites. They’re not mutually exclusive. People can be more than one thing. Nerds can be athletes and vice versa.
I’m on Runner’s World! #squee!
My interview for Runner’s World’s “How Running Changed Me” series is now online! Squee!