I use jog.fm to find playlists to match my running pace.
Luck Was Wished. Thanks Were Given.
When I asked you to wish me luck yesterday, I knew I'd need it. And boy, did I. I did a slow 1.5 miles last night in 20 minutes, and when I got home from work today, I hit the treadmill and pounded out 3.1 miles--in 37 minutes. Eww. Eww, I say. Eww. But I did it, and...
Wish Me Luck
After fighting off a Mordor-sized invasion of sickness, my body, like Aragorn, is ready to return to its rightful place–on the treadmill.
How Reading a Treadmill FAQ at Runner’s World Blew My Mind
Using the incline on your treadmill can simulate outdoor running.
What Are Your Favorite Rest Day Hobbies?
We all know working out and staying healthy takes a lot of time. A lot of time. So much time that fitness very easily becomes our primary hobby, and everything else we love is kind of forced to just sit on the bench while we press it. (See what I did there?) But...
How to Exercise When You’re Sick
Remember that it’s okay to miss a workout or a run because you’re sick.
Two Lessons My New Treadmill Taught Me
After an evening of fighting with my new and unassembled treadmill, I got a chance to go for a run the next morning. And it beat me like a Wookiee in the spice mines of Kessell. I made it through my run, did about 3.5 miles on it, but it was slow. Really slow. And I...
Run While You Can
You know, that's kind of how I feel today. Something always comes up. Either it's too cold, you're too busy, you didn't eat a good dinner last night, you didn't sleep well, whatever. Something comes up as an excuse for you not to run, so you don't. Not that...
I know Han Solo. And you, sir, are no Han Solo.
Everyone knows that guy. You know, that guy who's witty, always cracking wise, and good at almost everything he does. And not only does he know it, he's not afraid to tell you. That guy is also Han Solo. And pretty much all sci-fi geeks want to be him at some point in...
Running with Asthma 2: The Reckoning
Yesterday was both a fantastic day and a terrible one. For the first time in over a week, the weather was clear and sunny (read: no ice storms in Tennessee). So I was finally able to go out for a run instead of hitting the elliptical or doing yoga. I ran a 5k in 27...